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宗法族规与党纪国法刘修明在社会发展不可阻挡的潮流中,某时某地会出现少数不协调的回流、逆流。这本来是大千世界中正常的现象,因为事物的发展总是不平衡的。但有些事情的悖理、荒唐、实在令人惊诧不已.想不到在当代民主和法制社会里,还会出现封建社会专制、罪恶的社... Patriarchal clan rules and party discipline Liu Xiuming In the irresistible trend of social development, some time there will be a small number of uncoordinated return, countercurrent. This would have been the normal phenomenon in a world where things are always unbalanced. However, some things are ridiculous and ridiculous. It is really surprising. Can not think of feudal society in the contemporary democratic and legal society, there will be autocratic, evil society ...
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简要介绍了钢丝绳牵引带式输送机倒转防护的研究现状,分析上运带式输送机发生逆转事故的主要原因,设计出一种新型的防护装置,验算其制动的可靠性。 The research status of