
来源 :中等数学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jane_89
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<正> 94全国高中数学竞赛第二试三题:如图,设△ABC的外接圆O的半径为R,内心为I,∠B=60°,∠A<∠C,∠A的外角平分线交圆O于E,证明:(1)IO=AE;(2)2R<IO+IA+IC<(1+3~(1/2)R。 此题入口较宽,方法灵活多变,颇具思考
This study analyzes and summarizes seven main characteristics of the marine data sampled by multiple underwater gliders. These characteristics such as the big d
With growing computational power, the first-order wave-maker theory has become well established and is widely used for numerical wave flumes. However, existing
第一轮 (1993—02—10) 1.已知若y=sinx,-(π/2)≤x≤π/2,则x=sin<sup>-1</sup>y。现若y=sinx,(1992+1/2)π≤x≤(1993+1/2)π,试用y表示x。 2.设P(x)=x<sup>4</sup>+ax<sup>3</sup>+b
In the present work, the improved version of the meshless singular boundary method (ISBM) is developed for analyzing the performance of bottom standing submerge
In order to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of 6-MW wind turbine, experimental study on the aerodynamic characteristics of the model rotor system an
Errors will be caused in calculating the fatigue damages of details in liquid cargo tanks by using the traditional spectral analysis method which is based on li
The motion of a bubble near the free surface is solved by the boundary element method based on the linear wave equation, and the influence of fluid compressibil