2000年高考英语第18小题:__production up by 60%,the company has hadanother excellent year. A.As B.For C.With D.Through 答案是C。全句汉语意思是“(由于)产量增长了60%,这家公司又有了辉煌的一年”。一、紧扣教材复习所学知识这道题紧扣现行高中课本考查学生所学知识。介词with可以引导复合结构,或称独立主格结构(Nominative Absolute Construction),常在句中作状语,表示“伴随或背景情况、行为方式、以及原因或
The 18th topic of English in the college entrance examination in 2000: __production up by 60%, the company has hadanother excellent year. A.As B.For C.With D.Through The answer is C. The whole sentence Chinese means “(because) the output has increased by 60%, this company has a brilliant year.” First, keep abreast with the knowledge of the textbook review knowledge This topic is closely linked to the current high school textbooks to examine what students learn. A preposition without can guide a composite structure, or a Nominative Absolute Construction, often used as an adverbial in a sentence to indicate "concomitant or background conditions, behavioral patterns, and causes.