密度的计算对于初次接触物理的八年级学生来说,往往感到很困惑,找不到思路.现将有关密度的计算归类,以提高同学们计算能力.一、鉴别物质例1量筒中有100 m L的水,把质量为31.6 g的某种金属浸没在量筒内的水中,水面处刻度恰好是104 m L,该金属块的密度是多少?是什么物质?解析:求物质的密度ρ=m/V.需知质量和体积,用公式直接
Density calculations are often confusing for first-year students who are in contact with physics. There is no way of thinking. The density calculations are now grouped to improve the students’ computational ability. First, the identification material sample 1 contains 100 m L of water, immersed a metal of mass 31.6 g in the water in the cylinder, the scale at the water surface is exactly 104 m L. What is the density of the metal block? What is the substance? Analytical: The density of the substance ρ = m/V. Need to know the quality and volume, use the formula directly