深呼吸 走近大众发动机

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大家好,从这一期开始,发动机栏目就由小编我来主笔了。哎,刚接到这个任务,我是诚惶诚恐。毕竟,我的前任老仝凭借着在发动机行业浸淫十几年的功力,可以把这个栏目玩转干指间,可小编我却是个只学了四年专业知识而没有任何实际经验的新手,所以,生怕自己坏了老仝辛苦创下的大好局面,对不住广大的读者。只是主编一声令下,小编我只好勉为其难,所以,就有了这期的主题,和广大的爱好者一起来看看大众最新的——RSH 发动机。 Hello everyone, starting from this period, the engine column by Xiaobian me to write. Hey, just received this task, I am fear and trepidation. After all, my predecessor, with the help of more than a decade in the engine industry, can use this part of his life. However, I am a novice with only four years of professional knowledge and no practical experience. , So, for fear of their own broken old with the great situation of hard work, could not help the majority of readers. Only an edict, editor, Xiaobian I had reluctance, so, there is the theme of this issue, together with the majority of fans take a look at the latest public-RSH engine.
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