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他的个子真高,约摸一米八,脸很清瘦,鼻子很挺,眼睛也非常有神,怎么看他,都不像是卖菜的。他的脸形和身材,会让球迷想起意大利足球明星英扎吉。我把他称作菜商,因为照我理解,在蔬菜流通领域,凡够不上“批发”档次的生意人,是没资格叫蔬菜商的,只能叫“卖菜的”或“菜贩子”。但大个子又的确不是菜市场上那种现买现卖的贩子,不仅不是,他甚至还是这类菜贩子(一般都是女性)的“死对头”。菜贩子们的贩菜过程是这样的:大清早,挑着一对空筐来到菜市场,等菜农们陆续来了后,她们东挑西捡,尽可能地从菜农的筐子里买下质优价廉的蔬菜,这以后的大半天时间里,她们就是菜场的主人——卖菜人了。经过这样一折腾,市场上的菜价自然提高了不少,所以我们这些“提篮小买”者 His height is really high, he touches about eight meters, his face is lean, his nose is very good, and his eyes are very godly. He does not look like he is selling vegetables. His face and size will remind the fans of Italian football star Inzaghi. I called him a vegetable trader because, as I understand it, in the field of vegetable circulation, any businessman who is not able to reach the “wholesale” level is not qualified to call a vegetable trader and can only call “selling vegetables”. Or “food dealer”. But the big man is indeed not the kind of dealer who buys and sells on the vegetable market. Not only is he not, he is even the “killer” of such vegetable traders (usually women). The traders’ vegetable traders’ process is this: Early in the morning, they took a pair of empty baskets to the vegetable market. After the vegetable growers came in one after another, they picked up the food and bought as much as possible from the vegetable farmers’ baskets. Excellent and cheap vegetables, the majority of the time after this, they are the owners of the food market - selling food. After such a tossing, the price of vegetables on the market has naturally increased a lot, so we have these “small shopping baskets”
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