
来源 :中国果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jwz1270
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以12个山西地区栽培较多的鲜食枣品种为试材,测定果实脆熟期的外观品质和内在品质相关指标,并进行相关性分析和主成分分析。结果表明:12个枣品种的果实品质存在明显差异,维生素C含量、固酸比和可滴定酸含量变异系数较大,可食率变异系数最小;相关性分析结果表明,单果重与可食率、维生素C与可滴定酸、固酸比与糖酸比均呈极显著正相关,维生素C与固酸比、可滴定酸与固酸比和糖酸比均呈极显著负相关,单果重与可滴定酸呈显著负相关;主成分分析共提取3个主成分,累积方差贡献率为85.545%,表明影响枣果品质的主要指标为单果重、固酸比、糖酸比、可溶性固形物、维生素C等;综合评价结果表明,‘夏津大白铃’‘晋赞大枣’‘太谷壶瓶枣’‘临猗梨枣’等品种评分较高。本研究筛选出评价枣果品质的主要指标为单果重、固酸比、糖酸比、可溶性糖、可溶性固形物、果形指数、可食率等,为进一步构建鲜食枣品质评价体系提供参考。 Twelve fresh-cultivated varieties of jujube cultivated in Shanxi Province were used as materials to determine the appearance quality and intrinsic quality of the fruits during the crisp ripening stage. Correlation analysis and principal component analysis were carried out. The results showed that there were significant differences in the fruit quality of 12 jujube cultivars. The coefficient of variation of vitamin C content, solid acid ratio and titratable acid content were the largest, and the coefficient of variation of edible rate was the least. The correlation analysis showed that the fruit weight and edible rate , Vitamin C and titratable acid, solid acid ratio and sugar acid ratio were highly significant positive correlation, vitamin C and solid acid ratio, titratable acid and solid acid ratio and sugar acid ratio were significantly negatively correlated, single fruit weight and There was a significant negative correlation between the titratable acidity and the titratable acidity. Three principal components were extracted from the principal component analysis, and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 85.545%. The main indexes affecting jujube quality were single fruit weight, ratio of solid to acid, ratio of sugar to acid, soluble solid, Vitamin C and so on. The comprehensive evaluation results showed that the varieties such as ’Xiajin Large White Bell’, ’Jinzan Jujube’, ’Taigu Huping Jujube’ and ’Linli Lizao’ were higher. In this study, the main indicators of jujube quality screening were single fruit weight, solid-acid ratio, sugar-acid ratio, soluble sugar, soluble solids, fruit shape index, edible rate, etc., to provide reference for further construction of quality evaluation system of fresh jujube .