历时2年,经过3轮竞标的国家大剧院设计落下了帷幕,法国著名建筑帅,曾设计过戴高乐广场、巴黎新凯旋门——德方斯、日本大孤海洋博物馆等杰出作品的保罗·安德鲁的设计方案——“水上珍珠”最后中标,这座极富现代感和浪漫气息的建筑将于2003年建成,届时它将成为长安街上又一标志性建筑。 由于国家大剧院将建于天安门西侧,紧邻人民大会堂——这一政治性极强的地区,加之业主委员会当初对
For two years, after three rounds of bidding, the design of the National Center for the Performing Arts came to an end. The well-known French architecture architect Paul Andrews, who designed outstanding works such as the Place de Gaulle, the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the Dagang Maritime Museum in Japan, Design - “Water Pearl” finally won the bid, this very modern and romantic atmosphere of the building will be completed in 2003, when it will become another landmark on Chang’an Avenue. As the National Grand Theater will be built on the west side of Tiananmen Square, next to the Great Hall of the People - a highly political area, combined with the owners’ committee,