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2014年8月4日讯:7月30日,国家林业局科技司在北京举办林业科研项目管理和预算执行专项培训会,系统学习《国务院关于改进加强中央财政科研项目和资金管理的若干意见》(国务院11号文件)和国家预算管理和经费审计相关知识。培训会上,财政部教科文司高慧、审计署农林水审计局处长茆建分别授课。高慧围绕国务院11号文件的出台背景、具体条款进行解读,并对贯彻落实国务院文件提出了相关要求。高慧说,近年来,我国财政科技投入快速增长,科研项目和资金管理不断改进,为科技事业发展提供了有力支撑。为进一步加强科 August 4, 2014: On July 30, the State Science and Technology Department of the State Forestry Administration held a special training program on forestry research project management and budget execution in Beijing to systematically study “Several Opinions of the State Council on Improving and Strengthening the Research Projects and Capital Management of Central Government Finance” (State Council Document No. 11) and state budget management and financial audit related knowledge. During the training, Gao Hui, chief of the Education and Culture Department of the Ministry of Finance, and director of the Agriculture, Forestry and Water Audit Office of the National Audit Office held separate lectures. Gao Hui revolved around the promulgation of the State Council Document 11 background and specific terms, and put forward the relevant requirements for the implementation of the document of the State Council. Gao Hui said that in recent years, China has made rapid investments in science and technology for science and technology, continuously improved its research projects and capital management, and provided strong support for the development of science and technology. To further strengthen Section
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