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当今中国,大凡跟得上时代的报纸、杂志,都感到新闻照片的可贵,也感到它的不足。改革开放、社会主义市场经济的形成,对新闻报道提出了新的要求,新闻摄影面临发展的机遇,也面临新的挑战。“有照片才能评上好版面” 1991年开始,中国新闻奖版面设计奖一连三年都出现一等奖空缺。据分析,原因有:一是新闻照片少;二是照片与文稿编排不当;三是前两者部涉及到对新闻摄影工作的指挥和组织不力。版面状况——版面编排——摄影记者和图片编辑工作,三者紧紧相连。在改革开放的时代里,报纸要办得使人爱看,具有可读性,就要增加新闻照片,并要善于运用它。今年7月2日《参考消息》发表的《报纸怎样走出困境》一文中指出:“报纸必须更好地利用照片来报道消息,尤其是这个五彩缤纷的时代,更应如此。然而,许多报纸的众多版面迄今仍是灰蒙蒙一片。”西方人士在追赶时代的需求,但同样出不尽如人意。我们只要努力,是会走在他们前面的。这是其一。 Nowadays, in China, newspapers and magazines that have always followed the times feel the preciousness of news photographs and their inadequacies. The reform and opening up and the formation of a socialist market economy have set new demands on news reports. Press photography is facing opportunities for development as well as facing new challenges. “There are photos in order to comment on the good layout” 1991, China News Award layout award for three consecutive years there are first prize vacancies. According to the analysis, the reasons are as follows: First, there are few news photos; second, improper arrangement of photos and drafts; third, the former two departments involved the poor command and organization of news photography. Layout Status - Layout - Photojournalist and Photo Editor, all three closely linked. In the era of reform and opening up, the newspapers should be done with love and readability. Newspapers should be added and used well. This article from “Reference News” on July 2 this year, “How newspapers get out of the woods,” states: “The newspapers must make better use of photographs to cover the news, especially in this colorful era, but many newspapers The layout is still gloomy so far. ”Westerners are catching up with the needs of the times, but equally unsatisfactory. As long as we work hard, we will walk in front of them. This is one of them.