
来源 :中国纺织 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:titanium2002
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自80年代初我国纺织工业开始试行自营出口,发展至今约有500余家纺织企业获准加入自营出口行列,充分调动了纺织企业发展出口的积极性,极大丰富了我国纺织品出口的经营体系,为我国纺织品出口创汇取得难能可贵的“八连冠”做出了重要贡献。 鉴于统计资料限制,对目前我国纺织自营出口的总量规模仅能大概估计而难以准确判断。虽然随着纺织自营出口企业数量增加,其 Since the early 1980s, China’s textile industry began to try out self-exports. More than 500 textile companies have been allowed to join the self-export category so far, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of textile enterprises for export development, and greatly enriching the textile export business system in China. We have made important contributions to the precious “eight consecutive championships” for the export of textiles from China. In view of statistical data limitations, the total size of China’s textile self-exports can only be roughly estimated and difficult to determine accurately. Although with the increase in the number of textile self-
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你不来我怎敢老去  立春了 又为你  修炼一冬  内心有满地春笋  破唇地喊  温暖的小名  万物葳蕤 都为相遇  你不来我怎敢老去  岂能忘  盘丝洞里  在我脚底镶上七斗痣  怎么轮回  你也愿做我千年的妖精  你不来  我的弯弓搭谁的小蛮腰  我不迎  你的酡红为谁醉卧  你来时  还是飞鸽传书  它定寻得我的隐姓埋名  来就来吧  不必帶一江春意  两坛女儿红  只需暖暖唤一声  末末  
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