Toward High Carrier Mobility and Low Contact Resistance:Laser Cleaning of PMMA Residues on Graphene

来源 :纳微快报(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GOG12
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Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is widely used for graphene transfer and device fabrication. However, it inevitably leaves a thin layer of polymer residues after acetone rinsing and leads to dramatic degradation of device performance. How to eliminate contamination and restore clean surfaces of graphene is still highly demanded. In this paper, we present a reliable and position-controllable method to remove the polymer residues on graphene films by laser exposure. Under proper laser conditions, PMMA residues can be substantially reduced without introducing defects to the underlying graphene. Furthermore, by applying this laser cleaning technique to the channel and contacts of graphene field-effect transistors (GFETs), higher carrier mobility as well as lower contact resistance can be realized. This work opens a way for probing intrinsic properties of contaminant-free graphene and fabricating high-performance GFETs with both clean channel and intimate graphene/metal contact.
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高速高能量创伤所致脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury, SCI)严重威胁患者生命安全,影响患者生活质量.随着对脊髓损伤治疗的深入研究,脊髓再生与基因组织工程技术结合越来越紧密,通过体外构建组织细胞并利用基因技术对其进行多种改造,使其适应生物体内营养环境及生物力学因素刺激,并使置入体与受体组织界面发生良好的重塑性,促进宿主受损脊髓再生.现对SCI基因组织工程治疗的研究现状综述如下。