
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haibei007
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We found previously in a lesion study that the right-sided sector of the ventromedial prefrontal cortices (VMPCs) was critical for social/emotional functioning and decision-making, whereas the left side appeared to be less important. It so happened that all but one of the subjects in that study were men, and the one woman did not fit the pattern very well. This prompted a follow-up investigation, in which we explored the following question: Does gender play a role in the development of defects in social conduct, emotional functioning and decision-making, following unilateral VMPC damage? We culled from our Patient Registry same-sex pairs of men or women patients who had comparable unilateral VMPC damage in either the left or right hemisphere. Two male pairs and one female pair were formed, and we included two additional women with unilateral right VMPC damage (8 patients in all). The domains of measurement covered social conduct, emotional processing and personality, and decision-making. We found a systematic effect of gender on the pattern of left-right asymmetry in VMPC. In men, there were severe defects following unilateral right VMPC damage, but not following left-sided damage. In women, there were defects following unilateral left VMPC damage; following right-sided damage, however, defects were mild or absent. The findings suggest that men and women may use different strategies to solve similar problems -e.g. men may use a more holistic, gestalt-type strategy, and women may use a more analytic, verbally-mediated strategy. Such differences could reflect asymmetric, gender-related differences in the neurobiology of left and right VMPC sectors. We found previously in a lesion study that the right-sided sector of the ventromedial prefrontal cortices (VMPCs) was critical for social / emotional functioning and decision-making, but the left side was to be less important. It so happened that all but one of the subjects in that study were men, and the one woman did not fit the pattern very well. This prompted a follow-up investigation, in which we we explored the following question: Does gender play a role in the development of defects in social conduct , emotional functioning and decision-making, following unilateral VMPC damage? We culled from our Patient Registry same-sex pairs of men or women patients who had comparable unilateral VMPC damage in either the left or right hemisphere. Two male pairs and one female pair were formed, and we included two additional women with unilateral right VMPC damage (8 patients in all). The domains of measurement covered social conduct, emotional processing and personality, and decision-makin g. We found a systematic effect of gender on the pattern of left-right asymmetry in VMPC. In men, there were severe defects following unilateral right VMPC damage, but not following left-sided damage. In women, there were defects following unilateral left VMPC damage; following right-sided damage, however, defects were mild or absent. The findings suggest that men and women may use different strategies to solve similar problems-people men may use a more holistic, gestalt-type strategy, and women may use Such differences could not reflect asymmetric, gender-related differences in the neurobiology of left and right VMPC sectors.
十二指肠疾病病种多 ,疾病的轻重与缓急差别大 ,迄今罕见十二指肠疾病发病情况的大宗报道。现对我院1989- 0 6 1999- 0 6 10年间十二指肠疾病 30 6 2例住院病人进行回顾性分
中国是茶的故乡,安溪是著名的乌龙茶之乡,而我的家乡——西坪正是“闻名海内外、香飘千万里”铁观音茶的发源地。  茶树种在山坡的梯田上,每年的三四月份,正是春雨悄然而至的时节。几回春雨梳洗过后,漫山遍野的茶树开始长出密密层层的嫩绿茶叶,在春雨的亲吻下,绿得醉人,她们就像一群绿衣仙子,在茶山上翩翩起舞,远远望去,整座茶山就像一片绿色的海洋。如果您登上山顶,向下俯瞰,可见富贵世家的高楼大厦正矗立在镇区中央