
来源 :中国教育学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kdmasong
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目前我国中小学普遍推行以校长负责制、教师聘任制、岗位责任制为主的教育管理模式,学校管理由粗放型走向集约化,极大促进了我国基础教育的发展。但它忽视教育管理的特殊性,忽视了教育过程与生产过程、教师劳动与工人劳动、学生教育与工业产品的区别,是缺乏人情味而又冷漠、粗暴的管理模式,不利于发挥师生的主观能动性,有碍教育教学质量的提高。因此,实行人性化管理很有必要。学校管理中的人性化管理,就是学校管理者要尊重教师、学生在教育教学中的主体地位,尽最大可能给师生创造最好的教育教学环境。 At present, primary and secondary schools in our country generally promote the education management mode that mainly includes the principal’s responsibility system, teacher appointment system and job responsibility system. The management of schools goes from extensive mode to intensive mode and greatly promotes the development of basic education in our country. However, it neglects the particularity of education management, neglects the difference between education process and production process, teachers’ labor and workers’ labor, and between student education and industrial products. It is a lack of humanity, indifference and rude management mode, which is unfavorable to teachers and students’ subjectivity. Initiative, hinder the improvement of education and teaching quality. Therefore, the implementation of humane management is necessary. Humanized management in school management means that school administrators should respect teachers and students in the main position of education and teaching, and try their best to create the best education and teaching environment for teachers and students.
1 南海的帝名字叫“倏”.北海的帝名字叫 “忽”.中央的帝名字叫“浑沌”。倏和忽常在浑沌的地面相会,浑沌待他们很好。 1 The name of the emperor of the South China Se
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