探索中前进 实践中完善——银川市国税局稽查局

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近年来,银川市国税局稽查局在稽查体制改革的实践中,确定了边规范、边工作、求创新、谋发展的工作思路,在统一干部思想认识的基础上,确定了以点带面的工作方向和“争创一流班子,一流队伍,一流管理,一流执法,一流服务,一流形象”的工作目标,开展了“比法制意识,赛规范执法;比效率意识,赛稽查力度;比责任意识,赛爱岗敬业;比创新意识,赛进取精神;比争先意识,赛一流业绩:比服务意识,赛社会形象”的“六比、六赛”活动,全面调动干部职工的工作积极性,保证了开好局、起好步。 In recent years, Yinchuan City IRS Inspection Bureau in the audit system reform practice, identified the norms, while working, seeking innovation and seeking development ideas on the basis of unifying the ideology of cadres, to determine the work with a point of direction and “Striving for the first-class team, first-class team, first-class management, first-class law enforcement, first-class service, first-class image , Competitions and dedication; than the sense of innovation, competition enterprising spirit; first sense of competition, the first-class performance of the game: more than the service awareness, the social image of the game ”“ Six, Six ”activities, mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres and workers , Promised a good start, a good step.
各市、州人民政府,省政府各厅委、各直属机构:现将省财政厅、人民银行长沙中心支行《湖南省国库集中支付核算改革试点方案》转发给你们,请遵照执行。 All municipalities, s
1 Introduction The eastern Tianshan region covers around 60000 km2in area and is located in the eastern part of Xinjiang.The district contains various types min
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甘政办发[2001]127号 2001年11月13日各地行政公署,各市、自治州人民政府,省政府各部门,各单位:省财政厅、人民银行兰州中心支行制定的《甘肃省财政国库管理制度改革试点实