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当今的流行文化领域里不容易找到像“信念”乐队一样真实可信的成功故事。这里充斥着精心制作的辉煌和建筑在媒体天花乱坠的宣传上的行业的不可避免的衰落。如果任何90年代后期的乐队能够宣称自己完全是依靠实力而兴起的话,它便是“信念”。它是一支诞生于佛罗里达的4人乐队,凭借表达大众心声的歌曲和火爆的现场表演,而非大量华而不实的媒体吹嘘,由零点升至60分(或更确切地说,从白手起家到发行了4张销量超过100万的铂金唱片)。“从《画地为牢》一出版我就知道我们 It is not easy to find success stories like the ”beliefs“ in today’s popular culture. This is filled with the inevitable decline of well-proven brilliance and the industry’s inevitable rise in media hype. If any of the bands in the late 1990s can claim that they are fully based on strength, it is a ”belief.“ It is a four-man band born in Florida. It has risen from zero to 60 points (or more precisely, from scratch to release) by expressing popular voices and lively performances rather than a lot of flashy media boasting. 4 platinum records selling over 1 million. ”I knew from the publication of the painting “The prison for painting”
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以人为本的吁求,既是对人类历史进程的自觉理性反思,又是基于对历史必然性的把握的一种能动的价值追求。 People-oriented appeal is not only a rational reflection of th
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Definition定义:Rich;having plenty of money很有钱ustrative Sentences例句: 1. David is a stock trader, and occasionally he’s in the chips.戴维做股票生意,偶尔也
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