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湖北省黄冈地区原副地级调研员兼财政局长王国瑜在即将离开权倾一时的工作岗位时,晚节不保,因收受他人贿赂7万元而锒铛入狱,等待他的是10年的铁窗生涯。 王国瑜的所作所为,为各地、各个层次领导干部当中频频发生的“59现象”(指某些干部一生顺当平安,到了59岁前后,即将离开工作岗位之际,却晚节不保,走上违法犯罪道路)又提供了一个典型例证。就“59现象”而言,有一点是共同的,那就是没有经受住失去权力或将要失去权力的考验。 权力从某种意义上来说,对人生是一道严峻的试题。享有它时是一次考验,失去它时又是一次考验。面对这本是人民赋予的权力,是将它作为为百姓谋福利、办实事的手段,还是用作为个人谋私利、饱贪欲的工具,不同的人因其政治素养、思想品质、价值观念的差异,而将做出不同的选择。只有真正具有高尚、正直的人生观、价值观,视金钱名利为身外之物的人,才有可能在这道严峻的试题面前交上一份合格的人生答卷。否则就会像王国瑜这样,在即将失去权力的前夜,为弥补今后的“损失”和“失落”而“大捞一把”,最终将自己送上历史的审判台。 Wang Guoyu, a former deputy ground level researcher and chief financial officer in Huanggang District of Hubei Province, who was about to leave his post of job for the first time in the evening, would not be saved in the evening. He would be jailed for accepting bribes of 70,000 yuan and waiting for him for 10 years Barbed wire career. Wang Guoyu’s actions are frequent occurrences of “59 phenomena” among leading cadres of various localities and at all levels (referring to the fact that some cadres and their cadres have been on a safe and orderly life, and when they are about to leave office after the age of 59, Illegal and criminal road) and provides a typical example. In the case of the “Phenomenon 59,” one thing in common is that it has not stood the test of losing power or losing power. In a sense, power is a serious test of life. Enjoy it when it is a test, when it is lost it is a test. In the face of this power given by the people, is it used as a tool for the people to seek welfare and do practical work, or is used as a tool for individual self-serving and full of greed, different people because of their political accomplishments, ideological quality, values The difference will make a different choice. Only those who truly have a noble and upright outlook on life, values, and money and fame and fortune may find it possible to hand in a valid life questionnaire before this tough question. Otherwise, like Wang Guoyu, he will eventually send himself to the trial court of history on the eve of impending powerlessness to make up for the future loss and loss.
在某种意义上,法官是站在冥界和乐土十字路口的执剑者。每当正义的宝剑将元凶送往地狱、每当明晰的宝剑斩断冤情将无辜者送归人间时,是执法者的最大快乐和欣慰。 In a sense
十七个孩子,心田之上一片墨黑,欲望替代了童稚,疯狂毁灭了天真—— Seventeen children, heart over a dark, desire to replace the childish, crazy destruction of innoc
编辑同志: 我的弟弟因犯诈骗违法犯罪行为,被送劳动教养三年。他在劳动教养所认真接受思想改造,在劳动等各方面表现很好,已劳动教养将近两年,他的恋爱对象几次去劳教所看望
编辑同志: 我妻子自觉有流产迹象,遂于今年元月到我县中医院就诊。医生诊断我妻为先兆性流产,为其开了三支保胎针剂黄体酮,但药剂师错发为三支催产用宫缩素,并由护士注射了
不以营利为目的的复制,应不应该认定为侵权复制? Not for profit for the purpose of copying, should not be identified as infringing copy?
●新婚三月的节目女主持人被谣言逼得离了婚而远走广东 ●离婚不久的丈夫“爱”上了前妻的女友,而最终被诬告成“强奸犯” ●真相大白,有情人续缘不成铸成终生大错 ● March