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董先生想买辆车,却一直在威驰和威姿之间犹豫:两款车都使用了丰田技术,威姿是目前同档次轿车中配置最好的,价格也不贵,但挂的是一汽车标;威驰虽然价位稍高,但挂的却是日本丰田牛头标。看性价比,董先生倾向于买威姿,可看车标,又倾向于买威驰。出于和董先生一样的考虑,青岛市民李先生先买了一辆威姿,随后硬是花钱把车标换成了丰田牛头标。“换个洋品牌顶在车头上,感觉好像更有面子、更风光。”李先生说。“在不少人心目中,洋车标更值钱,像威驰车,订单都排到10月份去了。据说威姿当初也想挂丰田车标,一辆车给人家200美元,不过双方没达成协议。要不然现在一辆车最少能多卖1万元。”一位销售商感慨万分地说,“想当年,夏利卖得最火的时候,丰田、通用找上门来,免费求咱们挂他的品牌,咱都没干。现在呢,咱还得去求人家。” Mr. Tung wanted to buy a car, but hesitated between the Vios and Vizzi: Both cars use Toyota technology, Vizi is currently the best equipped in the same class cars, the price is not expensive, but linked to a Car standard; Vios Although the price is slightly higher, but linked to Japan’s Toyota headline. To see the price, Mr TUNG tends to buy prestige, you can see the car standard, but also tend to buy Vios. For the same consideration as Mr TUNG, Mr. Li, a resident of Qingdao, first bought a Vizzi, then replaced the car’s logo with Toyota’s Tau. “Another foreign brand top in the car, I feel like more face, more scenery. ” Lee said. In many people’s minds, foreign car standard more valuable, like the Vios, orders are scheduled to go in October.It is said that Vizi also want to hang the Toyota car standard, a car to people 200 US dollars, but the two sides did not reach Agreement, or else a car can sell at least 10,000 yuan more. “One salesman feeling very much said, ” In those days, when Xiali sold the hottest time, Toyota, General Motors came to find us for free Hanging his brand, we have not done. Now, we have to seek others. "
Heredityhasbeenfoundtobecorelatedwiththeocurenceofnasopharyngealcarcinoma(NPC)bysomeinvestigators.13In1972,weinitialyfoundth... Heredityhasbeenfoundtobecorelatedwiththeocurenceofnasopharyngealcarcinoma (NPC) bysomeinvestigators. 1  3In1972, weinitialyf
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