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下面是专为孩子们春节团聚时准备的一桌菜肴: 海米烧白菜配料:嫩白菜三两,海米三钱,淀粉、盐、葱、姜少量。制做方法:海米加少量水浸泡一小时,再蒸十分钟。嫩白菜切成一寸长条。锅内放少量油烧至五六成熟,倒入葱炒一下,将葱捞出;再倒入海米,待炒出香味后,加入白菜,并将泡海米的水倒入锅内。待白菜烧烂后,加淀粉和盐,出锅前加入姜丝。因海米较咸,可少加盐。海米炒菜时可不加味精。蒸鸡蛋饺配料:鸡蛋两个,肉末二两,姜、盐、胡椒粉、味精、料酒少量,一个鸡蛋清。制做方法:肉末加姜末、胡椒粉、味精、料酒和蛋清拌匀,然后分次加开水朝一个方向搅拌至粥状。鸡蛋去壳,搅成浆。用铝勺放在微火上加热,稍热后用一块肥肉或板油在铝勺内擦一遍,然后倒入一小汤匙鸡蛋浆,随倒随转动铝勺,使蛋浆摊成圆形蛋皮。将一小汤匙肉馅放在蛋皮一边,将另一边对折盖住肉馅做成 The following is a table prepared for the children reunited with the Spring Festival dishes: Haimi burning cabbage ingredients: cabbage thirty-two, three rice, rice, starch, salt, onion, ginger a small amount. Method of making: Hemi add a small amount of water soak for an hour, and then steamed for ten minutes. Cabbage cut into an inch bar. Put a small amount of oil in the pan until the five or six mature, pour onion stir-fry, remove the spring onion; then pour into the sea rice, stir-fry until the flavor, add cabbage, and the foam rice water into the pot. To be burned cabbage, add starch and salt, add ginger before the pan. Due to the salty rice, may add less salt. Heimo cooking without MSG. Steamed egg dumplings Ingredients: two eggs, two minced meat, ginger, salt, pepper, MSG, a small amount of wine, an egg white. Method of making: minced meat add ginger, pepper, MSG, cooking wine and egg white mix well, and then add boiling water in several steps to a direction of mixing porridge. Eggshell, stir into pulp. With aluminum spoon on the micro-heat on the heat, a little hot fat with a piece of fat or oil in the aluminum spoon wipe it again, and then poured into a small spoon of egg paste, with the rotation of the aluminum spoon with the inverted, the spread of eggs into a round egg skin. Put a small spoon of meat on the side of the egg skin and fold the meat on the other side
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美国独立战争结束不久,本杰明·富兰克林被派往巴黎任驻法公使。一次,他出席了法国外交部举行的宴会。 席间,法国外交大臣弗金斯举杯,为法王祝酒:‘路易十六陛下,你如皓月当
斯坦利·米德尔顿(Stanley Middleton)1919年出生于英国诺丁汉市,毕业于诺丁汉大学。第二次世界大战期间曾从军并在远东地区作战,战后在剑桥等大学任教,后回到诺丁汉在某学
叩盆:手指叩击盆壁发出清脆声;压土:手指压盆土表面,盆土十分坚硬;观叶:花卉枝叶萎蔫下垂;观土:盆土表面发白。如何知道花盆缺水 Percussion basin: finger percussion basin wall i