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  1. The old man has three sons,_______(两个) are teachers. (whom)
  2. The old man has three sons,_______(两个) are teachers. (them)
  3. The old man has three sons, and
  (两个) are teachers. (two)
  答案 1. two of whom 2. and two of them 3. two of them
  解析 第1题给定词whom决定了答案要使用非限定性定语从句;第2、3题考查的是并列句。
  Five students were absent from the meeting,_______(这使得老师非常生气). (make)
  答案 ①making the teacher very angry ② which made the teacher very angry ③ and it made the teacher very angry
  解析 三种答案都表示结果。但是,答案①是采用现在分词做状语,答案②是非限定性定语从句的表达,而答案③是并列句的使用。
  1._______ (动动脑筋), and you’ll have a good idea. (head)
  2. If you get up early,_______(你将会赶上) the early bus. (catch)
  答案 1. Use your head 2. you will catch
  解析 根据条件状语从句的三种表达法,以及上面两题的具体题情,第1题的答案就不应该是If you use your head 或者Using your head;第2题如果同学们作答and you will catch(即多用了and),就会被视为错误答案。
  1._______(没有公汽), and we had to get there on foot. (there)
  2. There was no bus,_______(我们只有) get there on foot. (choice)
  3. There_______(没事可做), we just stayed at home. (nothing)
  答案 1. There was no bus 2. and/so we had no choice but to 3. being nothing to do
  解析 第1、2题都是并列句的表达,而第2题,根据同学们答题的一般情况,答案中的and极易被遗漏。第3题句首的there则限定了我们必须使用独立主格结构表示原因(因为there前面没有because, we前面也没有and或者so)。
  1. A poet and artist_______ (要来) speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon. (come)
  2. — Did you go to the show last night?
   — Yeah. Every boy and every girl in the area_______ (邀请). (invite)
  答案 1. is coming to 2. was invited
  解析 在主谓一致的知识讲解中,同学们应该领会:1. 当“冠词/one’s+名词1+and+名词2 ”做主语时,谓语动词应该用单数形式;若是“冠词/one’s+名词1+and+冠词/one’s+名词2”做主语,则谓语动词应该用复数。2.“each/no/every+名词1+and+each/no/every+名词2”做主语时,谓语动词也应该用单数形式。
  1. The book was written in plain English,_______ (我们能读懂) easily. (read)
  2. The book written in plain English,
  (我们能读懂) easily. (read)
  3. There are various kinds of animals in Australia,_______ (其中许多) cannot be found in any other country. (many)
  4. Another word,_______ (我将会痛揍你一顿). (beat)
  5. There are dozens of kids over there,
   (有几个坐在) the bench. (seat)
  6._______(春天来了), everything is turning green. (come)
  7._______(春天来了), and everything is turning green. (come)
  8. He is_______ (老师和律师). (and)
  9. The exam is just around the corner,
   (我们要做的) is study hard. (have)
  10.Our eating habits_______ (已经变了) a lot, we should adjust our lifestyle with it. (change)
  1. and/so we can read it(并列句)或者which made us can read it(非限定性定语从句) 或者making us can read it (分词做状语表示结果)
  2. we can read it (“The book written in plain English”是分词的独立主格结构表示原因,并不是完整的句子)
  3. many of which/of which many(非限定性定语从句)或者and many of them(并列句)
  4. and I’ll beat you up(考查“祈使句/名词+ and sb/sth will ...”结构)
  5. several of whom are seated(非限定性定语从句)/and several of them are seated (并列句)或者several of them seated (独立主格结构表示状态)
  6. Spring coming/With spring coming (独立主格结构表示原因) 或者Because spring is coming (原因状语从句)
  7. Spring is coming (因为后面有and,所以应该使用并列句)
  8. a teacher and lawyer (答案不能是a teacher and a lawyer)
  9. and what we have to do (两个完整的句子之间必须有并列连词and)
  10. having changed (答案不能是have changed)
河南邓州市一些乡的农民近来为辣椒卖不出去发愁。我问,为啥不在报纸、电台做广告,他们说,没有想过做广告。现在,打开电视、翻开报纸,做广告的几乎都是电器、酒类等 Farmer
在市场经济的运行中,价格作为价值的货币表现,永远是消费者关心的一个焦点,特别是对商品价格的变化,消费者更是敏感、强烈地做出反应. In the operation of a market econom