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在肆虐的烈火中,佛坪县林业局局长彭永安交出了一份热血共产党人的合格答卷,关键时刻为人民利益献出了自己的一切。一心为民,忠于职守,是彭永安同志不懈的追求。他为“官”以来,始终牢记全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨,急人民所急,想人民所想,为人民排忧解难。在纪检监察战线,他秉公执法,疾恶如仇,刚直不阿,惩恶扬善,一身正气。在佛坪遭遇百年不遇的特大洪灾面前他挺身而出,毫不畏惧地冲在抗洪救灾前线,表现了一名共产党人无限忠诚的政治本色和一不怕苦、二不怕死的英雄品格。在林业局,他情洒佛坪林业,为佛坪林业发展殚精竭虑,废寝忘食,以求振兴这片热土。他心里装着人民,为人民利益而献身,人民将永远怀念他。一路走好吧,铁血男儿彭永安。 In the raging fire, Fuping County Forestry Bureau Peng Yongan handed over a passionate Communists qualified response, the crucial moment for the interests of the people have given all their own. Wholeheartedly for the people, loyal to their duties, is Comrade Peng Yongan relentless pursuit. Since his appointment as “official”, he has always kept in mind the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. He urgently urges the people, considers what the people think and solves problems for the people. In the discipline inspection and supervision front, he holds the law enforcement, evil, straight, punishing evil, a righteousness. In front of Foping’s extraordinary floods in the hundred years he came forward without fear and rushed to the front of flood control and disaster relief, demonstrating the infinitely loyal political nature of a communist and a heroic character who is not afraid of suffering and not afraid of death. In the Forestry Bureau, he spared Foping forestry for Fuping forestry development exhausted, sleepless nights, in order to rejuvenate this piece of land. His heart filled with people, dedicated to the interests of the people, the people will miss him forever. Go all the way, Jagged man Peng Yongan.
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