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海底的反射性能是影响水声传播的重要环境因素。无论从海洋声场予报角度或水声信道匹配角度都需要对海底的反射性能作切合实际的简化描述。对声场分析而言,参数化描写是常用的手段。以前曾采用最简单的“单参数”与“双参数”模型来分析声场规律。这些模型的缺点是没有反映出反射损失的全部掠角关系的主要特征,而只注意了小掠角的局部特征,因而近场与远场难於衔接。在文中,我们根据大量实测数据的一般趋势,提出了“三参数”模型进行平均声场的分析,基本上克服了这一困难。并给出由“过度距离”标定的场强结构。 为了进一步弄清反射损失对平均声场能量结构的影响,我们来讨论在(1)式中由不同的N值给出的“三参数”模型系列所对应的均匀浅海声场的平均能量结构。 The reflection performance of the sea floor is an important environmental factor that affects the transmission of underwater acoustic waves. Both the sounding angle of the ocean sound field and the matching angle of the underwater acoustic channel need to make a practical and simplified description of the seafloor reflection performance. For sound field analysis, parameterized description is a commonly used means. Previously, the simplest “one-parameter” and “two-parameter” models were used to analyze sound field behavior. The disadvantage of these models is that they do not reflect the main features of the full grazing angle relationship of reflection loss, but only pay attention to the local features of the small grazing angle, so it is difficult for the near and far fields to converge. In this paper, based on the general tendency of a large number of measured data, we propose a “three-parameter” model to analyze the average sound field and basically overcome this difficulty. And gives the field strength structure marked by “over distance”. To further clarify the effect of reflection loss on the energy structure of the average sound field, we discuss the average energy structure of the uniform shallow-sea sound field corresponding to the “three-parameter” model series given by different N values ​​in (1).
On the basis of the data of 45 K-Ar ages in the Eastern Tianshan, Uygur AutonomousRegion of Xinjiang, China, and the geological environment, the following conc