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面对西部民族高等教育的发展困境,如何突围成为西部地方各级党政机关与学校的头等大事。首先,认识到发展西部民族高等教育的战略地位、内在特征与主要任务,是西部民族离等教育突围的条件与基础。其次,准确把脉西部民族高等教育的发展障碍、科学探寻西部民族高等教育发展的行动路径,是西部民族高等教育发展的关键。西部民族高等教育的突围依赖于改革与创新。深化改革是西部民族高等教育事业实现可持续发展的必然趋势,也是新形势下民族高等教育发展的唯一选挥。只有不断深化改革,才能更好地适应当下民族地区的社会经济发展,满足民族地区经济社会发展对高等人才的需求;只有不断促进改革,善于创新,勇于进取,才能为民族高等教育注入新的生机和活力,站在实施《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》与新一轮西部大开发的时间节点上,西部民族离等教育又将迎来一次新生。 In the face of the predicament of the development of higher education for ethnic minorities in the West, how to break through to become the top priority for the party and government organs and schools at all levels in the western region? First of all, realizing that the strategic status, intrinsic characteristics and major tasks of developing higher education in Western China are the conditions and basis for the breakthrough in such tertiary education as Western nationalism. Second, it is the key to the development of higher education in western China that the barriers to the development of higher education in western China should be accurately grasped and the path of action in scientifically exploring the development of higher education for nationalities in the west should be established. Breakthrough of Higher Education in Western China Depends on Reform and Innovation. Deepening the reform is the inevitable trend of realizing the sustainable development of higher education for ethnic groups in the West and the only choice for the development of higher education for nationalities in the new situation. Only by continuously deepening the reform can we better adapt to the social and economic development in the present minority areas and meet the demand of the higher talented people for the economic and social development in the minority areas. Only by constantly promoting the reforms, being creative and brave in making progress can we breathe new life into the national higher education And vitality, standing on the timeline of implementing the “Outline of the National Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020)” and a new round of western development, the nationality education in the west will usher in a new life again.
公德培养第一课爱护公物世博会的新西兰馆里,有一颗“魔戒”特效大师制作的以假乱真的大树,引得参观者纷纷伸手去抠皮、摘叶、捏果实,以对树“验明正身”。浩浩 Public mora