,Synchronization of Coupled Oscillators on Newman-Watts Small-World Networks

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhyhh123
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We investigate the collection behaviour of coupled phase oscillators on Newman- Watts small-world networks in one and two dimensions. Each component of the network is assumed as an oscillator and each interacts with the others following the Kuramoto model. We then study the onset of global synchronization of phases and frequencies based on dynamic simulations and finite-size scah g. Both the phase and frequency synchronization are observed to emerge in the presence of a tiny fraction of shortcuts and enhanced with the increases of nearest neighbours and lattice dimensions.
We measure the signal amplitude and linewidth of a dark line in coherent population trapping in the Rb vapour cell filled with mixed buffer gas N2 and Ar as a f
疑问是智慧的窗口,是学习的“路标”,是推动学生创造力发展的动力。培养学生提出问题、质疑问难的能力,增强学生的问题意识,对于开发智力,发展思维,变被动接受为主动探索,对实现素质教育有着重要的作用。本期刊发相关文章,旨在对“培养学生的提问能力”这一问题作一些探讨,以启发对其深入思考研究。  提问,亦即发问。  帕斯卡尔说过:“人是一根能思想的苇草。” 对人而言,提问是思想的发端,也是思想提升的支点和台
The evolution of Rayleigh-Taylor mode in dusty plasma with vortex-flow is investigated. Based on fluid theory and Baylys method, we derive the coupling equation
朗读是把文学作品转化为有声的阅读活动,是眼、口、耳、脑并用的心智活动,是把书面语言转化为有声语言的再创活动。它是一种十分复杂的心理活动,能激活学生的思维,激发学生的情感,是重要而常用的阅读训练,也是理解课文的重要方法。  一是要抓好朗读基础训练。主要是在发音、正音、念词、咬字、听字等方面进行训练。在词语教学中,不但要教读词方法,还要在朗读时教学生“连词读”,要求用普通话把每个字词的音读准确、读清楚
We transfer cold 87Rb atoms from a vapour cell chamber to a spatially separated UHV magneto-optical trap (MOT) with the assistance of a red-detuned optical guid