New fossil elaterids(Insect:Coleoptera:Polyphaga:Elateridae) from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongo

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:delphizhao
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A new genus with a new species of fossil elaterid,Paraprotagrypnus superbus sp.nov.,from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation in Daohugou Village(N41°18.9790,E119°14.3180),Shantou Township,Ningcheng County,Inner Mongolia,China is described and illustrated.The genus Paraprotagrypnus belongs to the family of Elateridae,subfamily of Protagrypninae and tribe of Protagrypnini.Some primitive characters of the new genus and new species shed light on the ages between the Jiulongshan Formation in Inner Mongolia and the Yixian Formation in the western Liaoning Province of China.The habitat of the new species is briefly discussed. A new genus with a new species of fossil elaterid, Paraprotagrypnus superbus gen. Et sp. Nov., From the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation in Daohugou Village (N41 ° 18.9790, E119 ° 14.3180), Shantou Township, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, China is described and illustrated. The genus Paraprotagrypnus belongs to the family of Elateridae, subfamily of Protagrypninae and tribe of Protagrypnini. Home primitives of the new genus and new species shed light on the ages between the Jiulongshan Formation in Inner Mongolia and the Yixian Formation in the western Liaoning Province of China. habitat of the new species is briefly discussed.
锐词  公文旅行  指一份公文在政府机关内部经过逐级上报、审批再在相关部门之间传送的过程就像旅游一样,要转很多个地方,经历很多人手,才能最终达到目的地。  开药驾照  第三军医大学西南医院在全国首推“驾照式”管理医生合理用药制度。医生的处方权就好比驾照,实行记分制,一旦严重违规,被扣满12分,就可能被降级停岗。  无县时代  指的是在城镇化发展背景下,全國各大城市辖区内的县改为县级市或者区的现象。
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摘要:农村法治一直是我国法治化的重中之重,也是法学界研究的热点。农村矛盾纠纷调解既是农村法治的集中体现,也是基层法治的难点。农村矛盾纠纷调解过程中各种因素所发挥的作用不尽相同,深入剖析宗族在其中的作用十分必要。  关键词:基层司法;纠纷调解;宗族;农村  当前,我国的社会转型进一步深入发展。社会转型期,原有的社会结构和秩序消解,新的结构和秩序尚未完全建立,人与人之间的利益关系急剧变动,社会矛盾集中
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