恒大地产“无理由退房”全国举措 是打出一颗市场“信号弹” 还是“烟雾弹”

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中国楼市的发展现状,肯定是“政治经济学”的真实缩影写照。简而言之,就是“政策市”。房地产行业“靠天吃饭”的生存法则,就是指房地产行业的生存和发展,必定是要察言观色“政策”的变脸。今年3月下旬,我在本刊“新地产”专刊发表了《上海楼市寒冬已过,但春天暂不会来》的文章。同时,我的结论很明确:“尽管心存疑虑,但我对今年上海房地产市场的趋势预判,还是谨慎乐观的。我预测今年上海房地产市场新建商品房总成交量应该在1000万平方米至1100万平方米之间。比去年成交量上涨10%以上, The development of China’s property market status quo is certainly true portrayal of ”political economy.“ In short, it is ”policy market.“ The real estate industry ”living by the sky, “ the law of survival, refers to the real estate industry’s survival and development, must be to make statements ”“ policy ”face. In late March of this year, I published an article entitled “Shanghai property market has passed the winter but the spring will not come” in the special issue of “New Real Estate”. At the same time, my conclusion is clear: "Despite my doubts, I am cautiously optimistic about the forecast of the real estate market in Shanghai this year and I predict that the total volume of new commercial buildings in the real estate market in Shanghai this year should be between 10 million square meters 11 million square meters. Than the turnover last year rose more than 10%
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