Comparison of the global air-sea freshwater exchange evaluated from independent datasets

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongchaozhang88
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The implied air-sea freshwater flux is examined in two reanalysis datasets provided respectively by European Center forMedium-range Weather Forecasts and National Center for Environmental Prediction. Not only for annual mean state but also for seasonalvariation, two reanalyses agree qualitatively well with each other, and both can reproduce reasonably the global distribution of E-P (i. e.Evaporation minus Precipitation). In the view of quantitative comparison, however, remarkable difference has been found on regionalscales, especially over the middle and lower latitudes, with some local disagreement exceeding 100 cm/yr. One important difference be-tween current and previous evaluation is the new found net evaporation over the high latitude North Atlantic, which is demonstrated to re-sult from the transient disturbances during boreal winter. The implied air-sea freshwater flux is examined in two reanalysis datasets provided by the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts and National Center for Environmental Prediction. Not only for annual mean state but also for seasonal variation, two reanalyses agree qualitatively well with each other, and both can reproduce reasonably the global distribution of EP (ie Evaporation minus Precipitation). In the view of quantitative comparison, however, remarkable differences have been found on regionalscales, especially over the middle and lower latitudes, with some local disagreement exceeding 100 cm / yr. One important difference be-tween current and previous evaluation is the new found net evaporation over the high latitude North Atlantic, which is demonstrated to re-sult from the transient disturbances during boreal winter.
历时 3天的“未来海底新能源—天然气水合物国际研讨会”于 1 0月 1 5日在青岛开幕。来自美国、加拿大、德国、俄罗斯、韩国、印度和中国的科学家参加了此次研讨会。天然气水
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