抓实教学管理 增强竞争能力——访刊授党校抚顺学区副教育长许正东

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七月,如火的季节。抚顺学区副教育长许正东冒着酷暑在学区办公室如约接受了记者的采访。抚顺学区是省内办学较早、规模较大的学区之一,但是,在目前也遇到了与其他学区相同的学苗萎缩、竞争激烈等困难。面对这些困难,抚顺学区是如何扎扎实实搞好教学管理,增强自身竞争能力的呢?从许正东副教育长与记者的谈话中,我们可以得到一些启示。抚顺学区是从何时创办的,在办学中有哪些特点?抚顺学区始建于1983年,经历了创建、发展、正规化办学三个阶段。回想16年来,在市委、市政府的正确领导和支持下,虽然我们所走过的路程充满了艰辛,但是也取得了许多令人骄傲的成绩。16年来,刊授党校为抚顺培养各种班次的毕业生接近4万人,其中获大中专学历的就有25128人。也就是说,在抚顺地区每100人中就有2名是刊授党校毕业的学员。如今我们学区在校生有1013名。刊授党校为振兴抚顺的经济培养了大批人才。回顾16年的办学历程,我想,刊授党校之所以有这样顽强的生命力,体现在抚顺学区主要有三个特点: July, the season of fire. Xu Zhengdong, deputy chief of education Fushun district braved the summer heat in the school district office interviewed about the reporter. Fushun School District is one of the older and larger school districts in the province. But at the moment, it has also encountered difficulties such as the shrinkage of the academy schools and fierce competition with other school districts. In the face of these difficulties, how can Fushun school district carry out teaching management in a down-to-earth manner to enhance its own competitiveness? From Xu Qidong’s associate chief education officer and reporter’s talk, we can get some enlightenment. Fushun school district is founded from when, what are the characteristics of school? Fushun school district was founded in 1983, has gone through the creation, development and formalization of running three stages. Recall that over the past 16 years, with the correct leadership and support of the municipal party committee and municipal government, we have achieved many pride despite the hardships we have traveled. In the past 16 years, there have been nearly 40,000 graduates who have been trained by the Party School to train various kinds of festivals in Fushun, including 25,128 graduates of tertiary institutions. In other words, two out of every 100 people in Fushun Prefecture are graduates of the Party School. Today there are 1013 students in our school district. The party school has trained a large number of talents for the revitalization of Fushun’s economy. Review of 16 years of school history, I think, the reason why there is such a stubborn vitality of the party school, reflected in the Fushun School District has three main characteristics:
本刊讯 5月7日,河南省自然资源厅召开第二季度工作部署会,要求全系统严格按照省委、省政府战略部署,加压推进,狠抓落实,确保高质量完成全年工作日标.厅党组书记刘金山出席会