A Florida teen is causing strangers to freeze and stare because of her uncanny likeness to Queen Elsa from the Disney movie Frozen.一位来自美国佛罗里达州的少女引起了世人的惊叹,因为她长得酷肖迪士尼动画电影《冰雪奇缘》中的艾莎女王。Anna Faith Carlson,18,became an online sensation when she posted a picture of her posing next to a cardboard cutout of Elsa a few months ago.数月前,18岁的安娜·费斯·卡尔森在一张艾莎的宣传立板旁边照了张相,发布到了网上,她立马变成了网络红人。
A Florida teen is causing strangers to freeze and stare because of her uncanny likeness to Queen Elsa from the Disney movie Frozen. A girl from Florida, USA, has astonished the world because she looks cool. Disney’s animated film Frozen Queen of Isa in. Anna Faith Carlson, 18, became an online sensation when she posted a picture of her posing next to a cardboard cutout of Elsa a few months ago. A few months ago, Anna Fiss Carlson, 18, Next to the board according to Zhang, released to the Internet, she immediately became a network of Reds.