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在日光温室和大棚作物栽培中,施用CO_2气肥是作物获得优质高产的一项新技术。据专家试验,一般可使蔬菜作物增产20%以上。而且病虫害明显减轻,蔬菜的维生素含量大幅度提高,一些发达国家早在二十世纪七十年代开始推广应用此项技术。我国近几年也开始试验应用这项新技术。 一、施用CO_2气肥增产机理 农作物在整个生育期中,光合作用是制造有机物质的主要代谢过程。作物通过叶绿素在阳光的作用下,吸收CO_2和水,生成碳水化合物等有机物质和氧气。从而获得农产品。因此说CO_2是作物光合作用的“原料”之一。碳水化合物等有机物质是光合作用的“产品”。农作物要获得高产就需要充 In greenhouse and greenhouse cultivation, the application of CO 2 gas fertilizer is a new technology for high quality and high yield of crops. According to expert tests, the general increase of vegetable crops by more than 20%. And pests and diseases significantly reduced vegetable vitamin content increased significantly, some developed countries as early as the 1970s began to promote the use of this technology. In recent years, our country has also begun to experiment with the application of this new technology. First, the application of CO 2 gas fertilizer production mechanism Crops Throughout the growth period, photosynthesis is the main metabolic process of manufacturing organic matter. Crops, through the action of sunlight in the sunlight, absorb CO 2 and water and generate organic substances such as carbohydrates and oxygen. To obtain agricultural products. So CO2 is one of the “raw materials” for crop photosynthesis. Organic substances such as carbohydrates are photosynthetic “products.” Crops need to be recharged to get high yields
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