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地区经济增长的奥秘何在?为什么有些地方经济增长快,有些地方经济增长慢?如何才能实现快速而持续的经济增长?这些问题一直是中国的地方官员们最关心的东西,也是笔者近年来到各地调查时被经济官员和企业家们询问最多的问题。对于经济增长奥秘的探源,一直都是经济学中的核心话题。事实上,所有的经济学家,几乎都是在不同层面关心经济增长和社会福利的。但是,经济增长恰恰又是一个最难解释的问题。时至今日,经济学虽能一般性地解释经济增长,但在解释国家与地区经济差异上,仍有诸多争执、莫衷一是。纵观经济增长的理论,从早年的哈罗德·多马模型到索洛的新古典增长模型,一直到现今的内生经济增长理论,对于经济增长的源泉大概可以归纳为以下几个主要方面。首先,投入增长导致的经济增长。显然,如果不考虑经济效率,则有投入总会有产出,无论是自然资源、物质资本还是劳动的投入,均能带来GDP的增长,这是不言而喻的。知识经济的年代,人们往往轻视投资对于增长的重要性。但事实上,世界上几乎没有一个国家和地区能够完全不靠投入实现经济增长的。如,亚洲的优等生日、韩等国等均存在通过“过度投资”实现经济增长的时期;即使前些年有些人拼命鼓吹的美国 What is the mystery of regional economic growth? Why is there some places where the rapid economic growth, slow economic growth in some places and how to achieve rapid and sustained economic growth? These issues have always been the most concern for local officials in China and also the author in recent years During the investigation, economic officials and entrepreneurs asked the most questions. The source of the mysteries of economic growth has always been the core topic of economics. In fact, almost all economists are concerned with economic growth and social welfare at almost all levels. However, economic growth is just one of the most difficult problems to explain. Today, although economics can generally explain economic growth, there are still many disputes over the explanation of the economic disparity between countries and regions. Throughout the theory of economic growth, from the early Harold Thomas model to Solow’s neoclassical growth model, to today’s endogenous economic growth theory, the source of economic growth can be summarized into the following major aspects . First, invest in economic growth due to growth. Obviously, if economic efficiency is not taken into account, it is self-evident that there will always be input into the output of the economy, whether natural resources, material capital or labor inputs, which will bring about GDP growth. In the era of knowledge-based economy, people often underestimate the importance of investment for growth. However, in fact, hardly any country in the world can devote itself entirely to economic growth. For example, the top birthday in Asia, the Republic of Korea and other countries all have a period of economic growth through “overinvestment”. Even though some people in the United States
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A dual-wavelength fiber laser operating at the 1550 nm region using a side-polished arc-shaped fiber with deposited ZnO nanoparticles is proposed and demonstrat