加强艺术教育 提高学生素质

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1990年5月,县教育局制定了《如东县学校艺术教育现状和发展规划》,同时确定我校为县艺术教育试点学校。根据《规划》要求,我们以社会主义新时期的教育方针为培养目标,有计划地开展了丰富多彩的艺术教育活动,注意打好学生的素质基础。一、以美育艺提高素质审美教育主要是通过音乐、美术、文学、舞蹈、电视、电影、戏剧等艺术手段进行的,而艺术教育在学校则又是通过学科课程和活动课程来体现的,使学生在艺术化了的美育活动中陶冶情操,调节心情,完善人格,愉悦身心,增进健康,扩大知识领域,丰富精神生活,发展个性特长,全面提高学生的质素。针对学校现有条件,我们充分发挥教师的潜能作用,开 In May 1990, the County Bureau of Education formulated the “Current Situation and Development Planning of Art Education in Schools in Rudong County” and determined that our school is a pilot school for arts education in the county. According to the requirements of the “Planning”, we took the education policy of the new period of socialism as the training goal, carried out colorful and colorful art education activities in a planned manner, and paid attention to laying a solid foundation for the quality of students. Aesthetic education to improve the quality of aesthetic education is mainly through the art of music, art, literature, dance, television, film, drama and other artistic means, and art education in the school is again through the subject courses and activity courses to reflect, so that Students cultivate temperament, adjust mood, improve personality, delight their body and mind, improve their health, expand their fields of knowledge, enrich their spiritual life, develop their unique qualities and comprehensively improve the quality of their students in the art-oriented aesthetic activities. In view of the existing conditions in schools, we give full play to the potentials of teachers and open them up
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