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新中国成立60多年来,几代科技工作者坚持爱国奉献,为国家的科技进步、为经济社会发展和国防建设作出了巨大贡献,在建设国家、造福人民中实现了人生价值,在人民群众心中赢得崇高荣誉。新中国成立以来,特别是改革开放30多年来,我们党不断加强和改进党对科学技术工作的领导,坚持在中国的现代化建设中充分发挥科技第一生产力、人才第一资源的作用,特别是面向新时期日趋激烈的国际竞争和未来我国经济社会发展目标,明确提高自主创新能力、建设创新型国家是国家发展战略的核心、提高综合国力的关键,提出依靠科技进步和创新,走创新驱动发展之路,支撑经济发展方式 For more than 60 years since the founding of People's Republic of China, scientific and technological workers of several generations have insisted on patriotic dedication, made great contributions to the scientific and technological progress of the country, made great contributions to economic and social development and national defense construction, realized the value of life in building the country and benefiting the people. In the minds of the people Won the highest honor. Since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, more than 30 years ago, our party has continuously strengthened and improved the party's leadership over science and technology and has insisted on giving full play to its role as the number one resource for science and technology and the number one resource for talent in its modernization drive. In particular, Faced with the increasingly fierce international competition in the new era and the goal of China's economic and social development in the future, we must clearly raise the capability of independent innovation and the building of an innovative country as the core of the national development strategy and the key to improving the comprehensive national strength. We propose that relying on scientific and technological progress and innovation and innovation-driven development Way to support economic development
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