建立新型工商关系 促进工业稳定发展

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1989年以来,随着市场环境的变化,工商关系出现了许多新情况和新问题。为了保持工业生产的适度增长,国务院领导同志多次指出,要开拓工业品市场,发挥国营商业的主渠道和“蓄水池”作用。这是当前研究和处理工商关系的新课题。从马克思主义的再生产理论来看,工商关系实质是生产与流通的关系,生产决定流通,流通又反作用于生产。经过多年的实践,国营商业在处理生产和流通的关系上积累了丰富的经验。早在六十年代中央关于商业工作的决定中就明确指出,国营商业要为工农业生产服 Since 1989, with the changes in the market environment, there have been many new situations and new problems in the industrial and commercial relations. In order to maintain a modest growth in industrial production, the leading comrades of the State Council have repeatedly pointed out that it is necessary to open up the market for industrial products and to give play to the main channels of state-run commerce and the role of the “reservoir”. This is a new topic for the current research and treatment of business relations. From the perspective of Marxist theory of reproduction, industrial and commercial relations are in essence the relationship between production and circulation. Production determines circulation, and circulation also affects production. After years of practice, state-owned commerce has accumulated rich experience in dealing with the relationship between production and circulation. As early as in the decision of the Central Government on commercial work in the 1960s, it was clearly stated that the state-run
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