An acoustical pump capable of significantly increasing pressure ratio of thermoacoustic heat engines

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beargtg
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Pressure ratio is one of the important parameters for evaluating a thermoacoustic heat en- gine. A so-called acoustical pump, which is capable of significantly increasing pressure ratio of a ther- moacoustic heat engine, is proposed. Its operating principle is given. Also, a verification experiment is done with nitrogen gas in the energy-focused ther- moacoustic heat engine, showing that the pressure ratio increased from 1.25 to 1.47. Pressure is one of the important parameters for evaluating a thermoacoustic heat en- gine. A so-called acoustical pump, which is capable of significantly increasing pressure ratio of a ther- moacoustic heat engine, is proposed. , a verification experiment is done with nitrogen gas in the energy-focused thermoacoustic heat engine, showing that the pressure ratio increased from 1.25 to 1.47.
目的 :探讨高速涡轮牙钻在拔除下颌阻生智齿的应用效果。方法 :通过应用高速涡轮牙钻对 378例下颌阻生智齿拔除的临床分析。结果 :应用高速涡轮牙钻拔除下颌阻生智齿可以大大
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在根管治疗时常遇到根管弯曲、狭窄、根管钙化及根管桩等,致使根管堵塞不通。本组探讨超声法扩通此类根管的疗效。rn 本组33例,其中前牙根管桩折断致根管堵塞者8例,后牙因干髓术