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为改善低透气性煤层瓦斯抽采末期抽采效果不佳的现状,受油气藏开采领域有关渗吸效应研究的启发,利用自制装置试验研究不同水量自然侵入含瓦斯煤层后的渗吸效应发生过程。试验结果表明:水分自然侵入含瓦斯煤层后,煤样罐内瓦斯压力不断升高,说明水分依靠渗吸效应能够置换出处于吸附态的瓦斯,从而有效促进瓦斯解吸;随煤样含水率的增高,最大渗吸量和最大渗吸率也逐渐增高,但增幅逐渐减小,二者与含水率之间均符合Langmuir型函数关系;整个渗吸过程经历快速、持续、终止3个阶段,快速渗吸发生在水分侵入的前1 h,此阶段的渗吸量占渗吸总量的50.84%~85.49%,渗吸过程最长可持续22 h,渗吸率最高可达23.83%,工程应用中可利用渗吸效应缩短瓦斯抽采合理预抽期。 In order to improve the current situation of poor gas extraction in the low gas permeability coal seam in the last stage, based on the study on the effect of seepage absorption in the field of oil and gas reservoir exploitation, the self-made device was used to study the imbibition effect after natural gas intrusion into different gas layers . The results show that the gas pressure in the coal sample tank increases continuously after the water intrudes naturally into the coal seam containing gas, indicating that the moisture can displace the gas in the adsorbed state by virtue of the seepage effect so as to effectively promote gas desorption. With the increase of the water content of the coal sample , The maximum permeation rate and the maximum permeation rate also increased gradually, but the increase rate gradually decreased. Both of them were in accordance with the Langmuir function. The whole imbibition process experienced rapid, continuous and terminated three stages, rapid infiltration In the first 1 h before the water invaded, the imbibition amount accounted for 50.84% ​​-85.49% of the total amount of imbibition at this stage, the longest duration of imbibition was 22 h, and the highest infiltration rate reached 23.83%. In engineering application May use the imbibition effect to shorten the gas drainage reasonable pre-pumping period.
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