2001年元月,恰逢中国的传统节日春节。按惯例,春节是全家团圆,围坐守岁的日子。但如果在春节期间,举家出游,感受一下异乡过年的滋味,也不失为一个好的选择。特别是老年人,用旅游的方式过年,既有别于以往的新奇感受,又有乘车、住宿等出行的方便,何乐而不为呢? 元月,北方地区天寒地冻,出门旅游应选择一些南方的地区。南方不仅拥有绿色的山水,而且其特有的民间喜庆方式也是美不胜收的。春节旅游,首选杭州,这人间天堂一定会给你留下难忘的记忆。
January 2001, coincides with the Chinese traditional festival Spring Festival. By convention, the Spring Festival is the family reunion, sitting on the keep-years day. However, if during the Spring Festival, family travel, feel the taste of a foreign New Year, is also a good choice. Especially the elderly, the New Year with the way of traveling, both different from the novelty of the past, but also by car, accommodation and other travel convenience, why not? January, the northern cold, travel Should choose some southern areas. The South not only has green landscapes, but also its unique folk festivals are beautiful. Spring Festival travel, the preferred Hangzhou, this paradise will give you an unforgettable memory.