亲历科学探究 实现课堂灵性发展——小学低年级科学探究的校本实践研究

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科学探究是学生获取科学知识的重要渠道,低年级学生正是科学探究意识发展的关键时期,引领学生开展科学探究活动在学生的成长中具有重要意义。校本实践是教师结合学校实际和学生情况进行的研究,基于低年级科学探究活动的研究比较少,教师如何有效引领学生开展科学探究活动,实现课堂灵性发展?调动学生已有经验,激发探究兴趣已有经验是学生感兴趣的重要内容,也是校本实践必须认真考虑的素材,教师可以将蕴含有丰富科学元素的内容引进 Scientific inquiry is an important channel for students to acquire scientific knowledge. The lower-level students are the crucial period for the development of scientific inquiry consciousness. It is of great significance to guide students to conduct scientific inquiry activities in the growth of students. School-based practice is a combination of teachers’ study on the actual situation of the school and the students’ situation. Based on the relatively few researches on the scientific exploration activities in the lower grades, how teachers can effectively lead students to carry out scientific inquiry activities and achieve the spiritual development in the classroom? To mobilize the students’ existing experiences and stimulate their interest in exploring Experience is an important element of interest to students and a material that must be carefully considered in school-based practice. Teachers can introduce content rich in scientific elements
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