
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wusuowei282736
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In order to study the extraction pattern of protactinium in dif{erent types of extracting agents and compare the similarity of pattern of extraction with dubnium and thereby unraveling its chemistry,sol- vent extraction of protactinium(V)with Methyl-iso-butyl carbinol (MIBC) and Methyl-iso-butyl Ketone In order to study the extraction pattern of protactinium in dif {erent types of extracting agents and compare the similarity of pattern of extraction with dubnium and thereby unraveling its chemistry, sol- vent extraction of protactinium (V) with Methyl-iso-butyl carbinol ( MIBC) and Methyl-iso-butyl Ketone
由IBM PC发展而来的Wintel机,虽经过多次更新换代,但都是在IBM PC AT的结构基础上进行处理器的升级和功能的扩充。现在老结构(采用ISA总线)同新要求(多媒体用途)的矛盾越来
坚定共产主义信念、树立全心全意为人民服务的思想、以身作则、廉洁自律、事前防范、事中、事后监督。 We must firmly believe in communism, establish the ideology of s
It is shown in this note that the three methods,the orthonormalization method,the minor matrix method and the recursive reflection-transmission matrix method ar
1 Results No doubt that one of the major breakthroughs in polymer chemistry was the discovery and the progressive implementation of the “living” and “contro
Purpose: In order to get deeper understanding of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR), we analyzed and evauated the results of the amplitude and latency of F-ERG a-wave, b