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1998年由于西瓜面积急剧增加,全国性的西瓜大丰收,西瓜堆积如山,使西瓜价格极低,部分瓜农亏了本,影响了农民种西瓜的积极性。今年的西瓜行情会怎样?西瓜还能不能种?该怎样种?这是农民十分关心的问题。只有总结去年的教训,分析今年的市场,才能得出正确的结论。去年虽然西瓜贱如水,但各地大棚、小拱棚西瓜都赶上了好行市;个大味甜的西瓜、无籽西瓜等优质西瓜都卖上了好价钱。这说明优质西瓜仍供不应求。很多农民通过市场洗礼,摸准了这样一条市场规律:在计划经济向市场经济转轨期间,今年某种农副产品过剩,明年将会紧缺。按照这一规律,今年种西瓜仍是条致富路。 In 1998, due to the drastic increase of watermelon area, the nationwide harvest of watermelons and the accumulation of watermelons made the prices of watermelon very low and some melon farmers lost their money, affecting the enthusiasm of peasants in planting watermelons. This year’s watermelon market will be like? Watermelon can not grow? How to kind? This is the farmers are very concerned about the issue. Only by summing up the lessons of last year and analyzing this year’s market can we draw the correct conclusion. Although watermelon cheap last year, water, but around the shed, a small shed watermelons have caught up the good market; a big sweet watermelon, watermelon and other high-quality seedless watermelon are sold at a good price. This shows that high-quality watermelon is still in short supply. Many peasants, through the market baptism, are familiar with the law of the market: During the transition from a planned economy to a market economy, this year there will be a surplus of agricultural and sideline products and will be in short supply next year. According to this law, this year, watermelon is still a way to make money.
茶黄螨,又名嫩叶螨,茶半跗线螨,侧多食跗线螨,阔体螨,白蜘蛛。国内分布于浙江、江苏、湖北、四川、贵州、台湾及北京等地区,食性很杂,以前主要危 Ophiopogon mite, also kn
果树种子的好坏,直接影响果树育苗的成败,因此经过贮藏或由外地买来的种子,在播种前为了掌握种子 The quality of the fruit tree seed directly affects the success of t
本文讨论了最常见的一种伪噪声码——最长线性的 m 序列码——的产生,平移等价序列的获得,有互相关系数最小值的 m 序列先选对的计算和选择,文末还讨论了最长线性 m 序的自动
特征特性:早熟、抗病、丰产 果为羊角形,皮光滑,深绿色,肉质厚,味辣而不烈,椒长25~30厘米。座椒性强且整齐,单株座椒40~50棵,株高70厘米,生长势强,不易衰老,平均单株采果约3公