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百花齐放、百家争鸣,是我们党发展科学和文化事业的一条基本方针,是新时期广播电视文艺宣传工作的根本指针.实行“双百”方针,广播电视文艺宣传才能有正确方向,才能发展和繁荣.党的十一届三中全会以后,由于贯彻“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的方针,广播电视文艺出现了繁荣的局面,在弘扬民族文化、满足人民群众的文化娱乐需求方面有了突出的进展.取得了丰硕的成果.广播文艺宣传丰富多彩,生动活泼、音乐、文学、戏曲、录音剪辑、广播剧等各种节目都有比较快的发展.各地广播电台通过采录各种“音乐会”、“音乐节”的演出.组织和参加音乐作品的征集、评选活动,开办音乐节目专栏和广泛采录具有民族特色、地方特色的音乐节目等徐径,丰富了音乐广播的内容.1984年全国已经有60多家广播电台能够制作广播剧.1991年全国制作广播剧1649部(集).广播剧的艺术质量也不断提高:在每年举办的全国广播剧“丹桂杯”大赛上.都有一批优秀广播剧获奖.河南电台制作的广播剧《瓜棚风月》在首届全国“丹桂林”大赛上荣获第一名. The “hundred flowers” and the “hundred schools of thought” are the basic principles for our party’s development of science and culture and the basic guideline for the propaganda work of radio and television literature and art in the new era. Only by implementing the “double hundred” principle can propaganda and literary and television programs of radio and television have the correct direction to develop and prosper. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), due to implementing the policy of “letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend,” there has been a flourishing situation in radio and television literature and art and remarkable progress has been made in promoting the national culture and satisfying the people’s cultural and recreational needs. Rich and varied results, radio and television arts and cultural propaganda colorful, lively, music, literature, drama, audio clips, radio shows and other programs have a relatively rapid development.All radio stations through the recording of various “concerts”, “Music Festival” The organization of and participation in the collection of music works, selection activities, the opening of music program columns and extensive recording of national characteristics, local characteristics of the Xu Trail, enriched the content of the music radio.In 1984 there are already more than 60 radio Radio stations are capable of making radio plays. In 1991, there were 1,649 radio episodes nationwide The quality of art has been continuously improved: a series of outstanding radio dramas have been awarded at the annual “Dan Gui Cup” contest held each year, and the radio drama “Curtain House Feng Yue” made by Henan Radio won the first prize in the first “Dan Guilin” contest .
一种艺术,一种品位,一种乐趣。抽烟斗是一种嗜好,而决非不好的习惯。 抽烟斗与抽纸烟截然不同,一根香烟可以在一分钟内吸完,而一斗烟斗却可以细细品味一个小时。抽烟都是轻
梵高的故事耳熟能详,他是一位艺术狂人让人心生敬畏,我们都佩服他的执着与孤独,但我们也怕成为他。梵高是一个完完全全的精神追求者,而我们都被世俗所羁绊。 Van Gogh’s st