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在我国,地方社科期刊是指市及市以下政府和有关部门主办的社会科学类刊物,大体分为政治法律、思想理论、文化教育、历史方志等十几个门类。它是地方文化的重要组成部分,是社会主义精神文明建设的窗口和阵地。然而,由于这类期刊大多是内部刊物,发行量少,质量相对也不高,因此社会影响不大,故许多人对它不予重视,使它的发展处于步履维艰之中。其实,随着社会经济文化的迅速发展,地方社科期刊也应有一个相应的发展。社会发展既为地方社科期刊的发展提供条件,也向地方社科期刊的发展提供需求。随着社会的发展,新的问题会不断产生。特别是改革开放,发展社会主义市场经济,建设有中国特色的社会主义,许多前所未有的问题摆在人们面前。这里既有对既定认识的否定,也有对传统思维的困惑,同时也有新的理论问题产生。这些实践中产生了新课题,都需要社科工作者予以研究和回答。这就从客观上使地方社科期刊的发展具有了必要性和迫切性。当然,就地方来说,理论研究不一定高深、全面,缺乏权威性,但是,由于地方的社科工作者扎根于基层,面向群众,他们研究的问题大都是群众关心的“难点”,“热点”问题,理论联系实际,因而更受群众的欢迎。 In our country, local social science journals refer to social science journals sponsored by the government and relevant departments under municipalities and municipalities. They are broadly classified into more than a dozen categories such as political law, ideological theory, culture and education, and historical records. It is an important part of local culture and a window and front for the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. However, since most of these journals are internal journals, their circulation is relatively small and their quality is relatively low, they have little social impact. Therefore, many people ignore it and make it very difficult for its development. In fact, with the rapid development of social economy and culture, local social science journals should also have a corresponding development. Social development not only provides the conditions for the development of local social science journals, but also provides the demand for the development of local social science journals. With the development of society, new problems will continue to emerge. Especially the reform and opening up, the development of the socialist market economy and the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics, many unprecedented issues are put before people. Here both the negation of the established understanding, but also the confusion of traditional thinking, but also new theoretical issues arise. These practices have created new topics that need social scientists to study and answer. This objectively makes the development of local social science journals has the necessity and urgency. Of course, theoretically, as far as the local government is concerned, theoretical research is not necessarily comprehensive, comprehensive and authoritative. However, since local social science workers are rooted in the grassroots and facing the masses, most of the problems they are studying are the “difficulties” the masses care about. "Problems, theory with practice, and thus more popular with the masses.
一〔该表载入北京大学出版社出版的《中文核。C期刊要目总览》一书I历史学科(KO/7)核心期刊表 A [The table is loaded Peking University Press published “Chinese nucle
中国人好像是生活在危机之中。 不断有各种专家警告说某某危 机迫在眉睫或者迟早要发生。比如土地 危机、水危机、能源危机等等。 据我的记忆,造成巨大声势的危机 警告是20世
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