
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jxnydxlhy1
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在社会主义初级阶段,个体经济作为公有制经济的必要补充,以其灵活多样的发展特点让人们越来越刮目相看。它不但对挖掘和利用社会生产潜力、发展商品生产,扩大劳动就业、增加财政收入等起到了较大的积极作用,而且繁荣了我国市场,极大地方便了人民群众生活需要。尤其在民族地区,它的作用更为突出。就如民族地区群众所比喻的那样:“国营经济象‘火车’只在城里开,供销社集体经济象‘汽车’只在区、乡集镇跑,只有个体户才肩挑背负、走村串寨、送货上门,山旮旯里也落脚”。可以说,个体经济是整个经济发展中最活跃、最有生气的部分。当前,在大力增强国营大中型企业活力的同时,如何有效管理和引导个体经济的发展,使其与公有制经济共生共荣、相互结合和协调发展并能真正发挥“补充”作用,是民族地区个体经济面临的新课题。黔东南苗族侗族自治州是一个以苗族、侗族为主,少数民族人口占66.8%的聚居区。本文通过对黔东南州的个体经济发展特点总结分析,提出在当前形势下该州个体经济发展道路选择,供有关领导部门参考。 In the primary stage of socialism, as an essential supplement to the public-owned economy, the individual economy has drawn more and more admiration for its flexible and diversified development. It not only played a significant positive role in tapping and exploiting the potential of social production, developing the production of commodities, expanding labor and employment, and increasing financial revenue, but also prospered the market in our country and greatly facilitated the needs of the people’s livelihood. Especially in ethnic areas, its role is even more prominent. Just as the masses in the ethnic areas likened to it: “The state-run economy is like a train running only in the city. The collective economy of the supply and marketing cooperatives runs like cars in the district and township townships. Only self-employed households shoulder the burden. , Home delivery, the mountains 旮 旯 also settled. ” It can be said that the individual economy is the most active and the most dynamic part of the entire economic development. At present, while vigorously boosting the vitality of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, how to effectively manage and guide the development of individual economy and make it symbiotic, mutually co-ordinated and coordinated development with the public-owned economy and truly play a “complementary” The economy faces new topics. Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture is a settlement mainly composed of Miao and Dongs, with a minority population of 66.8%. This paper summarizes the characteristics of individual economic development in Qiandongnan Prefecture and puts forward the choice of path of individual economic development in the current situation for the reference of the relevant government departments.
本文阐述国内外有色金属连铸的发展近况。在分析总结基础上,指出今后的研究方向。 This article describes the development of non-ferrous metal continuous casting at h
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