
来源 :山东社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nathon_zhwang
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通过对1978-2010年我国财政收入、居民收入与政府雇员收入增长情况和财富分配格局变化的分析发现,1994年以前,财富分配格局中财政收入的增速最低,1994年分税制改革后,财政收入占GDP比重逐渐提高,财富分配向国家倾斜。在财政收入占GDP比重持续提高的同时,1978-2010年居民收入占GDP的比重持续下降。政府雇员收入从绝对值看在2007年以前增长速度最快,2007-2010年后增长速度放缓。民众内部财富分布在收入差距方面的排序由大到小依次是政府雇员与农村居民、政府雇员与城市居民、城市居民与农村居民。为了缓解收入分配不公,使民众能最大程度地享有改革开放的成果,财富分配应进一步向居民倾斜,增加居民收入在GDP中所占比重。建立公共服务型政府,规范政府雇员收入,提高政府预算透明度。关注和解决民生问题,加快税制改革,健全社会保障体系,缩小城乡居民收入差距。 Through the analysis of the changes of the fiscal revenue, the income of residents and the growth of government employees in 1978-2010, as well as the changes of the distribution pattern of wealth, we find that before 1994, the growth rate of fiscal revenue in the wealth distribution pattern is the lowest. After the tax-sharing reform in 1994, As a proportion of GDP gradually increased, the distribution of wealth tilted to the country. While the proportion of fiscal revenue in GDP continued to increase, the proportion of household income to GDP in 1978-2010 continued to decline. In terms of absolute value, the income of government employees grew the fastest before 2007, and the growth rate slowed down after 2007-2010. The rankings of internal wealth distribution among the residents in terms of income disparity are, in descending order, government employees and rural residents, government employees and urban residents, urban residents and rural residents. In order to ease the unfair distribution of income and enable the public to enjoy the fruits of reform and opening up to the greatest extent, the distribution of wealth should be further tilted toward the residents and increase the proportion of residents’ income in GDP. Establish a public service-oriented government, standardize government employees’ income, and improve government budget transparency. Pay close attention to and solve the livelihood problems, speed up tax reform, improve the social security system and narrow the income gap between urban and rural residents.
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