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  The Place of Legends -Mont Saint Michel
  Rising from a 1)hazy expanse of sand and waves, Mont Saint Michel appears like man’s 2)defiance of the elements and of time. A rock lost in a landscape is 3)smoothed by the wind. Mont Saint Michel is one of the most spectacular sights in the world. It is an island off the coast of Brittany and Normandy注 which holds a village and a large 4)monastery. Mont Saint Michel is home to the spectacular 5)Benedictine 6)Abbey and 7)steepled church.
  In 708, a dream led Bishop Saint Aubert to create a8)shrine to Saint Michael at this site. Mont Saint Michel then became one of the major 9)pilgrimage destinations in medieval Christendom. In the 11th and 12th centuries, the monks built a 10)Romanesque monastery with a church on the top of the hill. A part of this abbey burned down in 1204. It was replaced by another building constructed north of the church in a few yearstime that included halls for the pilgrims and rooms strictly reserved for the monks. The abbey played an important role in the Hundred YearsWar between France and England, when it was an almost 11)impenetrable 12)stronghold. The heroic 13)resistance of Mont Saint Michel to the English made the abbey a national symbol.
  No one can remain 14)unmoved by the praise of this place. 15)Suspended high on the rock, the abbey calls the visitors to discover the wild ambition of its builders and of those who had wanted to make this isolated spot a meeting place for all people since 708.
  Mont Saint Michel is connected to the mainland via a thin, natural land bridge, which before modernization was covered at high tide and 16)revealed at low tide. Thus, the sight has gained a 17)mystical quality, being an island half the time and being attached to land the other. However, in 1879, the land bridge was fortified into a true 18)causeway. This prevented the tide from 19)scouring the silt around Mont Saint Michel. Now there are plans to remove the causeway and replace it with a bridge and 20)shuttle. In 2006, the French government announced a 150 million project to build a 21)hydraulic dam that will help remove the 22)accumulated 23)silt and make Mont Saint Michel an island again. It is expected to be completed by 2012.
  Today there’s a road reaching Mont Saint Michel that is only flooded when the tide is very high. Most of the time now a sea of touring cars and campers is surrounding the medieval 24)fortress. The small streets are packed with tourists, but there are still special arrangements for real pilgrims. Mont Saint Michel attracts many visitors every day. It’s better to go early in the morning to avoid the crowds.
  Mont Saint Michel is a must-see! From the top, everything looks surprising: the 25)prodigies of medieval architecture, the strength of nature, the light and much more. As a UNESCO world 26)heritage site, the abbey of Mont Saint Michel is a monument for everyone.

本文提出了建立河南省农业文献信息中心的设想,对建立该中心的必要性、可行性和中心成立要开展的工作进行了论述。 This paper puts forward the idea of ​​establishing H
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