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At a workshop in Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province, workers pour resin into models to make wind turbine blades more than 60 meters long. With their special design, they are able to catch the air currents from all directions, turning wind energy into electricity
From the people, to the people and with the people. Qin Gang, Chinese Ambassador to the U.S., highlighted these salient features of China’s whole-process democracy during an online conversation held b
Before coming to China, we all had our own ideas about China. I used to think that all Chinese were into martial arts. Also, due to the nation\'s advanced technology, I used to the think all tech-related gadgets and other electronics there would be very
Many countries today advocate a return to multilateralism. So what kind of multilateralism does the world need? It should never be selfish,nor should it ever put the national interests of one country above shared global ones. It should never be about cont
The active involvement of China in UN peacekeeping operations in the past three decades has earned it the status of global peace provider. Ever since China first deployed troops to the UN\'s blue helmets in 1990, when it sent five military observers to
Today, growing peaches has become a totally different business for Jia Yufu. The 65-year-old has been working in the industry for decades in Pinggu District, Beijing. Operating a 2,000-square-meter orchard, Jia had to manage every step in the process, fro
9月1日,2021年秋季学期中央党校(国家行政学院)中青年干部培训班在中央党校开班。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在开班式上发表重要讲话。新华社记者申宏摄  2021年秋季学期中央党校(国家行政学院)中青年干部培训班9月1日上午在中央党校开班。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在开班式上发表重要讲话强调,年轻干部生逢伟大时代,是党和国家事业发展的生力军,必须练好内功、提升修
In July the central authorities issued new guide-lines to reduce the excessive burden of homework and after-school tutoring on students. The guide-lines, also known as the “double reduction” policy, apply to all students in the compulsory education stage.
It was the fear of facing her pet dog\'s death that made Wu Tong switch careers in 2015.Her dog, Little Q, named after the movie Quill: The Life of a Guide Dog, was over 9 years old in 2015, an old age for a dog. Thinking of her dog\'s approaching dea