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向所有热爱国际标准舞(体育舞蹈)事业的人们致敬!——袁斌国际标准舞进入中国已有100多年历史,从十里洋场的上淮外滩到文化青年进延安的红色步履,特别是改革开放经济腾飞的三十年间,其身影若隐若现,但从没有离开过我们的视线,更有无数先驱和前辈为中国国际标准舞艺术教育事业的发展呕心沥血付出了毕生的精力。国际标准舞是在宫廷舞和社交舞基础上衍生出的舞种,其主要作用就是将具象的生活之美通过抽象的舞蹈形式得以体现,在提高艺术素养和增进人际交流的同时,达到全民健身、增强体质的目的——可以说国标舞是集文化舞蹈和体育运动于一身的大众文体活动。如果说其是文化舞蹈,应当属于文化部管理体系,如果说其是体 Tribute to all people who love the cause of international standard dance (PE)! - Yuan Bin International Standard Dance has been in China for more than 100 years. From the Shanghai Bund to the red steps of cultural youth entering Yan’an, Thirty years of economic growth, its figure looming, but never left our sight, but also countless pioneers and predecessors for China’s international standard dance art education make painstaking efforts in the development of devotion. The main function of the international standard dance, which is derived from court dance and social dance, is to manifest the beauty of a concrete life through abstract forms of dance. While enhancing artistic accomplishments and enhancing interpersonal communication, it achieves the goal of universal fitness, The purpose of enhancing physical fitness - can be said that the national standard dance is a set of cultural dance and sports in one of the popular sports activities. If it is a cultural dance, it should belong to the Ministry of Culture management system, if it is the body
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在液压马达试验台上用电磁比例溢流阀进行调压,用比例控制泵调节流量,提高了系统工作的稳定性,改善了试验台的工作特性。 On the hydraulic motor test bench with electromagn
2016年12月,在上海举办的WDSF大奖赛总决赛中,Francesco Galuppo&Debora Pacini凭借良好的发挥,取得了季军的好成绩。对于Francesco Galuppo&Debora Pacini来说,在2016年即将
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Cellular senescence is an irreversible cell cycle arrest program in response to various exogenous and endogenous stimuli like telomere dysfunction and DNA damag