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在拱式结构中,致使桩基承台转动的原因很多,可能因台后填土不密实,这需要在施工中加强质量管理。也可能因设计不尽合理而使承台产生较大的转动。众所周知,承台转动将使拱上结构及拱肋产生许多次生灾害,同时也使桩基中各排桩的轴向力变得很不均匀,而各排桩在承台底的弯矩是大致相等的。这就给桩身设计带来许多弊端:①桩 In the arch structure, there are many reasons that cause the pile cap to rotate, which may be due to the lack of dense filling of the backstage, which needs to be strengthened in the construction quality management. May also be due to the design is not reasonable and make a large cap rotation. It is well-known that the rotation of the cap platform will cause many secondary disasters to the arch structure and arch ribs. At the same time, the axial force of each row of piles in the pile foundation becomes very uneven, while the bending moment of each row of piles at the cap plate is Roughly equal. This gives the pile design brings many drawbacks: ① pile
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