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10月24日至25日,全省城市城镇消防工作会议在省会长沙隆重召开,全省各地市120多名代表汇聚一堂。会议的主要议题是:总结交流近三年来全省城市城镇消防工作的情况和经验,研究探讨全省城市城镇消防工作所面临的新形势,安排部署今后一个时期全省消防工作的主要任务。省政府副省长唐之享作了《动员各方力量,落实联动措施,努力把良好的消防安全环境全面推向二十一世纪》的报告,报告要求各级各部门要抓住契机,按照省政府的统一部署,整体推动全省城市和城镇消防工作上一个新的水平,为全面完成党的十五大提出的各项战略任务创造优良的消防安全环境。省委副书记郑培民作了书面报告,省委常委、省政法委书记李贻衡、公安部消防局副局长李世雄、省长助理翁晖、省公安厅副厅长唐中元、省建委副主任匡彦博、省消防总队总队长雷盛武等领导到会讲话。 From October 24 to October 25, the work meeting on town fire prevention in cities and towns across the province was held in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province. More than 120 representatives from all over the province gathered together. The main topics of the conference are: to sum up the exchange of experiences and experiences in fire fighting in cities and towns in the province over the past three years, and to study and explore the new situation the urban fire fighting in cities and towns in the province faces and to arrange for the major task of fire fighting in the province in the coming period. Tang Zhi, vice governor of the provincial government, entitled “Mobilizing All Forces, Implementing Collaborative Measures and Striving to Push Good Fire Safety Environment Towards the Twenty-first Century,” reports that all departments and agencies at all levels should seize the opportunity and follow the provincial government Unified deployment of the overall promotion of the province’s urban and town fire work to a new level in order to fully implement the party’s 15th National Congress of the strategic tasks to create a good fire safety environment. Deputy secretary of provincial Party committee Zheng Peimin made a written report, Li Yiheng, member of Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Politics and Law Committee, Li Shixiong, deputy director of Public Security Fire Bureau, Weng Hui, governor assistant, Tang Zhongyuan, deputy director of Provincial Public Security Bureau, Lei Shengwu, chief of fire brigade and other leaders will speak.
Cux(Cu2O)1-x(0.09 x 1.00) granular films with thickness about 280 nm have been fabricated by direct current reactive magnetron sputtering. The atomic ratio x ca