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随着机械制造行业新技术,新工艺的应用,我国在世界机械加工制造业地位的提升,机械加工技术工人已成为我国各人才市场需求最多的人员,特别时数控技术应用型人才。随着现代职业教育与市场相接轨,各职业院校都开设了数控技术应用这门专业,而且学习数控专业的学生较多,而实际教学中数控设备的价格比较昂贵,导致各职业学校购买的数量的有限。为了克服数控设备的数量的局限性,数控仿真系统的出现很好的解决了在数控加工教学中设备数量的不足,而且在实训操作环节容易出事故对设备的磨损,刀具损耗,维修费用高等问题。 With the application of new technologies and new processes in the machinery manufacturing industry, the status of China’s machining and manufacturing industry in the world has been enhanced. The workers in machining industry have become the most demand-driven personnel in the talent market in China, especially when applied to the numerical control technology. With the modern vocational education and market convergence, all vocational schools have opened up the NC technology application of this profession, and learning more NC students, while the actual teaching of CNC equipment is more expensive, resulting in the purchase of vocational schools Limited number. In order to overcome the limitation of numerical control equipment, the emergence of numerical control simulation system is a good solution to the lack of equipment in CNC machining teaching, and easy to accidents in the training operation of equipment wear and tear, tool loss, high maintenance costs problem.
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机电产品连续五年保持我国第一大类出口商品。 1999年机电产品进出口总额 1545 7亿美元 ,增长 17 9% ,同比净增 2 35亿美元 ,出口 76 9 6亿美元 ,增长 14 7%。机电产品检验监
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The behavior of eutectic liquid penetrating into the Al base during Al/Cu contact reactive brazing process was studied. Analysis results show that the eutectic